Thursday, June 28, 2012


When I started this project -- my quest to use up all my food -- I had no idea how long it would take, what it would entail, the amazing feedback I would get, and the lessons I would learn along the way.  Of course, that's exactly what people say when they do something that's involved.  It reminds me of American Idol or Survivor.  "I learrrrned so much on this jourrrrney."  I hate that word now.  Journey.  (Sorry Journey.  I won't stop believin'.  I promise).  But seriously.  It's soooo cliche.  I also hate when the word "experience" is used that way.  "It was such an experience."  What the f*** does that even mean?

So I'll put it this way: I did some sh**.  Some sh** was awesome; some sh** was sh**ty.  And now I know more sh**. I'm not going to wax poetic on things that you already probably know, except to say that learning how to downsize my kitchen gave me some major perspective on how to downsize my whole frikkin' life, which means that now, I'm also able to let go of sh** and stop buying sh** I don't need.

I also had to make some compromises.  Living in LA for a month, I couldn't not go to the store, but I kept it to as much of a minimum as I could, keeping in mind the spirit of the project.  And I had to throw some things away.  That's life.

I don't know what the hell that is, but I'm not eating it.
I also couldn't get rid of everything on my own -- some things I got creative on or gave away to people who needed and wanted them more than I did.  Not a bad idea, I'd say.

Stovetop Potpourri bags I gave away at Thanksgiving
Let's just call this "4 Things My Sister Won't Have to Buy"
I also never got down to two ingredients because Splenda, flax seeds, and beef stew mix don't really make a meal and if you think I could have made something out of it, f*** you; come here so I can cut you in the face.

All in all, it was just super cool!  I've got way more space, I'm saving money, and I think a whole bunch of my neurons when "BING!" at some point and just understood stuff more -- about cooking, about saving, about needing, about wasting, about using, and about risking a little of yourself for a payoff.  This is all more important to me than it is to you, I'm sure, but that's why I encourage you to take on your own project and blog it.  You'll find the support you'll get will help see you through to the end.

Hey looky there!  I have room for stuff now!

So what's next?

A lot of people have asked me that.  "Are you going to keep this up?"  "Are you gonna blog it?"  "What're ya gonna do when you've used all your food?  What are you gonna dooooo?!"

Let me tell you one thing: I'm definitely going to keep cooking.  I made some baked chimichangas the other day that would give you a -- oh, well, I won't say it.  That's dirty.  But I'm seriously excited to make food with any ingredient I choose and to celebrate my successes (and my failures too; if I didn't, I'd be curled up on my couch all depressed and sh**).

But who can be depressed when their baking stuff
can now live above ground?
But will I blog it?  Well...that remains to be seen.  I have a lot on my plate, including moving back to where I came from (and no, that's NOT the sticks; I actually originate from the city) and starting out anew.  And in the past months I've very much enjoyed cooking something without having to stop and take five thousand pictures of it.  But at the same time, I miss that.  So the answer is...maybe.

I think I'll put some things up from time to time, but the focus will be changed a little, of course.  I'd like to put up weird stuff, just to keep with the whole "Mutant Meals" theme, but I also want to address something that drives me f***ing bonkers -- I have to chain cook now.  And did I just coin a phrase?  Es posible, considering I'm way cooler than that numbnut Shakespeare and he did it all the time.

I TOLD you my spice cabinet was boss.
So what is chain cooking?  It's cooking something with the ingredients that remain from your last cooking escapade.  I find that certain items can't be bought in the amount I need for a recipe and half of it goes to waste waiting for a second life.  You single people know what I'm talking about.  A half a cup of evaporated milk can't be purchased anywhere.  And try pulling half the asparagus out of a bunch 'cause that's all you need.  Dirty looks you will get (said Jedi Master Yoda).

Prospectively, that's where the future will lead me -- pairs or chains of recipes that use up what's left over -- which is kind of an exciting thing to show you, now that I think about it.  My posts will likely be less frequent but I'll keep checking in from time to time, hopefully with something new.

Until then, go cook some sh**!

Official Grade Overall: A+
(What the f*** did you think I was gonna put?  It totally rocked.)

Love ya bunches and thanks for all your support,