Wednesday, January 4, 2012


If there's one thing I know, it's that you can put pretty much anything sweet in a slushie and it's good.  Now, you do have to balance out the sweetness and such, but fruit plus juice plus ice is always a great combination and this is no exception.  Winning!

1 packet Crystal Light lemonade
2 c. water
1 c. frozen whole cranberries
2 strawberry Fruit Chillers Freeze & Eat Tubes
1/2 - 1 c. water + additional
sugar to taste

1. Combine 2 cups water and packet of Crystal Light.  Freeze in ice cube trays.  (Note: I used two mini ice cube trays so the cubes would break down better in the blender.  You can get them at Bed Bath & Beyond for like three bucks.  I love them.)

2. Combine cranberries, Freeze & Eat Tubes, lemonade cubes, and 1/4 c. water.  Pulse, adding water as you go, until blended to your preferred consistency (you may use more or less water, depending).

3. Add sugar to taste.  (I think I used a couple tablespoons, just because the lemonade and cranberries make it so tart.

Although I prefer my smoothies made with whole fruit, this is a great way to make a delicious frozen treat with stuff you might already have on hand -- especially those of you who have little ones.  And you can pretty much translate this to any fruit juice, Crystal Light, or whatever so when you think your fruity beverages are about to spoil (especially the OJ), freeze it into cubes, empty them into a zipper baggie, and store for future occasions.

Official Grade: A 

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