Sunday, November 20, 2011


Aaaaand now for something a little different.  I know it says "Mutant Meals" up there but sometimes I like to think a little outside the box.  And since it's now officially the holiday season, what better way to knock off some good-smelly items than to making a good-smelly concoction that will make your brain explode with warm fuzzies and the sudden need to hug or cuddle someone.

Warmth.  Cheer.  Wanting to rub yourself up against people.  That's what the holidays are all about, eh?

4 cinnamon sticks
1/2 cup whole cranberries
1 tbsp. whole cloves

1. Combine cinnamon sticks, cranberries, and cloves in a medium saucepan.
2. Cover with water.
3. Set saucepan on burner at its lowest setting and Voila! In about 15 minutes your kitchen will smell like cookies, lattes, and pie.

My apartment is small enough that it drifts over to the living room on its own, but you can take it for a little ride around the house if you like.  My mom used to do this with a pot of water and ground cinnamon when I was a kid.  The best part is after you let it hang out on the stove for awhile, you can let it cool and stick it in the fridge. (Freezer, maybe?)  I used it four days before I decided it had run its course.  According to the original recipe, which I can't find at the moment, you can also add orange peels for a citrus-y scent.

And just in time for the season, you can bag up the dry ingredients and give it as a gift if you're going to someone else's house for Thanksgiving dinner or a holiday party.

Official Grade: A+

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